Ye Olde Lebanon Towne Militia, Co. 1775
In all, 72 men answered the call to the Lexington Alarm and marched on 22 April, 1775 under Captain James Clark from Lebanon, Connecticut. A total of 677 men, slightly more than half the male population of Lebanon in 1775, actually served in one of the town militias of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. Men from Lebanon, Connecticut were in every major battle fought in the North.
The Lebanon Militia was an eighteenth century irregular militia, designated the 6th Coy. 3rd Ct. Rgt., which defended the towne of Lebanon against the oppression of English rule. They wore no uniform, only a mix and match of civilian clothing with possibly a hint of military clothing dating from the French and Indian Wars. Each man was responsible to provide his own clothing and equipment.
Today, we are a group of Men, Women and Children with the common goal of re-creating the history of the Revolutionary War Period to the best of our abilities.
We include in our activities: Re-enactments, Encampments, Educational Displays, Lectures, Commemorative Events and Museum Interpretations.
We are Proud of our ability to portray: Militiamen, Artillery, Camp Followers and Articifers